Red and Green Flag Thinking

Oct 01, 2024

Red and green flag thinking

Deciding whether to stay with your current company and aim for a promotion, or explore opportunities elsewhere, is tough—especially for aspiring managers. 

Here’s a no-nonsense look at the red and green flags you should consider.

Green Flags to Stay:

1. Visible Path to Progress: If you know exactly what it takes to move up, that’s a good sign. Regular conversations about your future, clear criteria for promotions and development opportunities show the company is backing your growth.

2. Good Management: If your manager is genuinely invested in helping you grow and regularly offers support and constructive feedback, it’s a big plus. A boss who’s in your corner is a valuable asset.

3. Room to Grow: If you can see people being promoted around you, or new roles popping up that align with your ambitions, there’s probably space for you to move forward.

4. Healthy Culture: A workplace where people are respected, communication is open and work-life balance isn’t just lip service is a strong reason to stick around.


Red Flags to Leave:

1. No Growth Prospects: If you’ve been in the same spot for a while, asking for more and getting nowhere, it’s time to question if there’s any real opportunity ahead.

2. Leadership Logjam: If all the senior roles are locked down by people who aren’t going anywhere soon, your chances of moving up might be slim to none.

3. Toxic Culture: If the office is filled with politics, poor management, or negative energy, it’s a huge red flag. No promotion is worth staying in a miserable environment.

4. Empty Promises: If you’ve been told time and again that you’ll get promoted or given new opportunities but nothing ever happens, that’s a clear sign they’re not following through—and probably won’t. 

The Bottom Line:

You have to look at where you are now and where you want to be. If your current company can offer a clear path forward and a culture that helps you thrive, it’s worth sticking around. But if you’re stuck, surrounded by obstacles or working in a negative environment, it’s time to look elsewhere.

Don’t make the move out of frustration—move because you know what you want from your career.

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